
Looking to get familiar with the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management and client protection? Want to build your assessment skills?

Whether you’re a novice or an expert, you’ll find here the training adapted to your needs.

All you need to do is create your e-learning account!

NB - This e-learning platform is different from the SPI Online platform.

You need to create a new account in SIGN UP to access the online courses.

A third set of courses on Environmental Performance Management is also on its way. Stay tuned!

Any question? Please refer to our FAQ below!

The SPI Online e-learning project is an initiative of Cerise+SPTF,
and has been implemented with support from Good Return, Agence française de Développement (AfD), SDC, FMO, RIFF-SSA, RIFF-SEA, and the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

               Projet Shihezi en Chine : la décision du conseil d’administration de l ...     Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC - Swiss Water Partnership                         

FAQ on training and qualification

What does it mean to be a qualified auditor?

A qualified auditor is an individual (and not an entity) who has successfully completed the “#3- Get qualified” program. Access to the qualification program is subject to a selection process in which the candidate’s profile and work prospects for conducting audits will be evaluated. 

Being a qualified auditor means that you have been trained by Cerise+SPTF on SEPM or CP, that you have conducted at least one assignment in the field under Cerise+SPTF’s supervision, and that you have the qualifications to conduct objective audits of FSPs.

Do I get a certificate with a “#2- Go deeper” course?

If you go through the whole course, attend all compulsory classes and complete the assignments that are required throughout the course, YES, you will receive a training certificate.

Please note this is different from the qualification certificate, that is only granted to those who successfully complete the “#3- Get qualified” program.

What course should I go through to be part of the SEPM Pros Network?

To be part of the SEPM Pros Network, you need to meet one or more of the following criteria: (1) be a SEPM and/or CP qualified auditor; (2) be a SEPM and/or CP consultant who has worked as a consultant/trainer on at least 2 verified assignments in the last 3 years for any of the following: Cerise, SPTF, or one of the Responsible Inclusive Finance Facilities (RIFF-SSA, RIFF-SEA, RIFF-CAC) managed by Cerise+SPTF.

To learn more about the SEPM Pros Network, visit this page: https://en.spi-online.org/experts-and-financing.

I want to become a qualified auditor. What process should I follow?

First, select the pathway for which you would like to get trained and eventually become qualified (SEPM or CP).

And then, follow our 3-step process (each step needs to be validated to move to the next one):

1/ Start with our free, self-paced, online course “#1- Get started”;

2/ Then, if you want to go further, register on the platform to join our next enriched, instructor-led, online training “#2- Go deeper”;

3/ And eventually pursue your journey by applying to our “#3- Get qualified” program. Access to the qualification program is subject to a selection process in which the candidate’s profile and work prospects for conducting audits will be evaluated by Cerise+SPTF qualification steering committee.

If I become a SEPM or CP qualified auditor, is my organization considered as qualified?

No. Cerise+SPTF only qualifies individuals and not entities. Your qualification certificate is personal.

If you leave your organization and want to keep your qualification, you will need to inform Cerise+SPTF and continue abiding by the Terms & Conditions for SEPM/CP qualified auditors.

I work for a financial service provider. Can I become a qualified auditor?

No, we no longer offer internal qualifications. If you work for a FSP, you can build your SEPM or CP skills by completing the “#1- Get started” and “#2- Go deeper” courses, and get a training certificate after validating the “#2- Go deeper” course.

Who can become a qualified auditor?

The “#3- Get qualified” programs are exclusively reserved for consultants, impact/SEPM/CP managers of national/international networks or investment funds, staff of technical assistance firms, and rating agencies and certification bodies. Access to the qualification program is subject to a selection process in which the candidate’s profile and work prospects for conducting audits will be evaluated.

Cerise+SPTF qualifies a maximum of 2 persons per organization.

I used to be a Smart Campaign assessor. Am I automatically CP qualified, or do I need to go through the training and qualification process on CP?

Since the Smart Campaign’s closure in 2020, there have been key changes on client protection (CP) in the inclusive finance sector:

-          the Client Protection Standards are now fully hosted by Cerise+SPTF under the Client Protection Pathway. 

-          Furthermore, the client protection standards have been updated, including an 8th standard related to governance, and published in February 2022. 

-          As before, the client protection standards are included in the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management, which were also updated in early 2022. 

-          We also introduced new tools, and an introductory tool as well as a comprehensive tool for client protection are now hosted on SPI Online.

So there’s still a lot to learn about!

If you were a Support Assessor under the Smart Campaign program, you need to go through the training and qualification process to become CP qualified.

If you were a Lead Assessor under the Smart Campaign program, you will need to pass a test to confirm the equivalence of your status. If you don’t reach the minimum score required, you will need to go through the training and qualification process to become CP qualified. 

I am already qualified as an SPI auditor. Does it mean that I am also qualified as a CP auditor?

No, the SEPM and CP qualification processes are distinct. If you are already qualified on SEPM, as an SPI auditor, you will still need to follow the whole qualification process for CP qualification – and the other way around!

We will however offer some discounts for people who get trained and qualified on both pathways (cf following question).

How much does it cost to get trained and become qualified?

“#1- Get started” courses are available for free.

“#2- Go deeper” courses are offered at a cost of EUR 800, for 20 hours of training, with enriched content, a qualified instructor, 3 virtual classes, peer exchanges, mock audit, and a training certificate. If you have already validated a “#2- Go deeper” course (e.g. on SEPM) and want to attend another “#2- Go deeper” course (e.g. on CP), we will offer you a 25% discount (EUR 600 for the 2nd#2- Go deeper” course).

If you are selected to pursue to the “#3- Get qualified” program, there is an additional cost of EUR 1,200 to benefit from individual coaching and a qualification certificate. If you are already qualified on a pathway (e.g. on SEPM) and want to get qualified on another pathway (e.g. on CP), we will offer you a 40% discount on the “#3 - Get qualified” program (EUR 720 instead of EUR 1,200).

So, for instance, if you have been qualified on SEPM before 2023 and want to get qualified on CP, you will have to pay a total of EUR 1,520 (instead of EUR 2,000): you will still pay the full price for the “#2 - Go deeper” course (since it will be your first time attending this enriched-content course) but you will benefit from the 40% discount on the “#3 - Get qualified” program.

If, starting in 2023, you get qualified on CP or SEPM following the full pathway (#1 Get started > #2 Go deeper > #3 Get qualified), and then want to get qualified on the second pathway, you will pay a total of EUR 1,320 (instead of EUR 2,000): you will indeed benefit from both discounts on the “#2- Go deeper” course and “#3- Get qualified” program.  

I want to have several members of my organization trained on a “Go deeper” course. What can you propose?

If you want to train less than 10 people, just have them register to our next “#2- Go deeper” course.

If you want to train 10 or more people from your organization, we could potentially offer a dedicated session and/or special conditions. Please contact Cerise+SPTF for a personalized offer: training@cerise-spm.org.  

>> You could not find the information you need?

Contact us at training@spi-online.org